Home » Guides » Fallout 76: How to Get Excavator Power Armor & What it Does
In Fallout 76, Power Armor is as important as ever to surviving the harsh Wastelands. Thankfully, the newest game introduces some new toys to the series’ inventory. Here’s how to get excavator power armor & what it does in Fallout 76.
The lore behind this new piece of Power Armor is interesting. It was created by Garrahan Miners in the Ash Heap region to try and help the miners stave off competition from the Hornwright Corporation.
In the end, the Garrahan company still met its demise, though it did still create the impressive technology that is the Excavator Power Armor in the process.
In order to reap the rewards of this powerful piece of gear for yourself, you are going to have to do a few things first.
To start, you need to be at least Level 25, as you won’t be able to craft the set until you reach it. Next, head to the Garrahan Mining Headquarters and inspect the poster (inserted above) in order to trigger the “Miner Miracles Quest” side quest.
Simply follow the quest lines – interacting with terminals and heading to specific locations – until you come upon the Projector Manager’s Terminal. It will give you the next step in order to craft the Excavator Power Armor in Fallout 76.
You can use the Power Armor workbench next to you to craft it at any point, but you’ll need the proper materials first.
In order to create the full set, you’ll need a total of 36 Black Titanium, 12 Glass, 26 Rubber, 60 Screw, 60 Spring, 38 Oil, 30 Gear, 6 Nuclear Material. The full detailed amount is broken down for each piece below:
The material you’ll likely have the hardest time getting is Black Titanium, as it is pretty rare outside of a few instances. Once you know where to go though, it is pretty easy to farm nearby.
To find Black Titanium, fight the Mole Miners in Ash Heap region. Once defeated, they drop this unique crafting element.
Like other Power Armor in Fallout 76, the Excavator set provides more damage resistance to keep you safe. Wearing the entire set grants around 286 physical resistance, 260 energy resistance, and 400 radiation resistance.
Another lesser-known benefits of equipping the Excavator Power Armor is that it will increase your max weight by 100. This is extra important in Fallout 76, as item weight seems to be more exaggerated than it has been in past versions.
Last but not least, this unique set of armor comes with increased mining speed and damage and disease resistance from airborne and waterborne hazards.
That’s everything you need to know about how to get Excavator Power Armor and what it does in Fallout 76. For other tips and help on the game, check out our Fallout 76 guide wiki. We’ve also put together a few other guides you might find helpful below.